Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pratik Anne

Pratik Anne

The recent blog is a practical mom's blog. It is all about children, motherhood, useful tips, motherhood experiences... She asked me a fresh template including her favourite colors: blue, grey and brown. Click here to see it.

Mor Kelebek - Purple Butterfly

Mor Kelebek - Purple Butterfly

Because of the blog name, the main silhouette of the blog must have been purple. Also, hence most of blog's content are about beauty and fashion, I used shiny embellishments on menubar and sidebars. Wide post area was the owner choice, purple background and color pallet of purple completed the design. Look closer it here.

Nimo Stylo

Nimo Stylo

This a the first stylish blog theme that I made. Most of my customers were baker. So I were extra happy when I composed it. I used a little old style, retro fonts and pastel colors. The owner's etiquette is laid down on the banner. You can look it from here.

Bake My Day Cookie Blog

Bake My Day Cookie Blog

Here it is a new cheerful blog design recently I made. I used mainly party theme including, party hats, gift wraps and balloons.  See original view from here. 

Another designs which complete the serie are brochure paper, stickers and personal card. All of them are same colors and figures with blog design.